The set up for the push jerk is identical to the push press. The initiation is the same also, beginning with a “dip, drive”. The difference with the jerk is that instead of locking the knees out and the knees remaining locked once the bar leaves the body, the athlete dips back under the bar once the bar has cleared the head.
What this means is that, at the top of the leg extension, as the bar leaves the body and the athlete pushes the bar upward, the athlete then drops their body back under the bar finishing in a partial squat with the arms locked out overhead.
Once the bar is locked out overhead and the head is through the athlete must then stand up fully and bring the feet back in line with the hips before lowering the bar.
The push jerk can be the finishing move of a clean and jerk and it teaches speed under the bar. It can be an ideal option in a workout that has high reps of a relatively challenging weight for a shoulder to overhead movement- making the bar feel lighter over more reps then a push press would. The push jerk also improves the lifter for the split jerk.
This movement is often programmed in wods, either as part of the clean and jerk, a specified push jerk or as the preferred option within the shoulder to overhead movement (which also can include the other presses- strict and push). It can also be used in the strength session, often at about 70% of the athlete’s one rep max.
The push jerk can also be performed behind the neck and is the stepping stone movement to the split jerk.