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The athlete hangs from the rig with hands just outside of shoulder width. As with the pull up the athlete uses the hollow and the arch to “kip” into the toes to bar. It is important that the athlete pushes down on the rig hard during the hollow as they lift their feet to their hands- imagine folding a piece of paper in half, this makes the toe to bar more efficient and eliminates the pendulum swing.
The feet must make contact with the rig, between the hands at the same time. As the athlete touches the rig they then pull their feet back into the arch position aggressively to repeat the movement.


The toes to bar is a gymnastics movement that requires and builds upper body strength, through the shoulders and lats. It also works the core and abdominals. It requires a lot of flexibility and mobility.


Toes to bar are very frequently used during wods, it is a movement that can fade fast! It challenges your core, and tests your grip. It is also used in skill and strength sessions.


Variations of toes to bar include strict and tempo toes to bar, and for the novices knee raises, kipping knee raises and knees to elbows.

Posted: 25/07/2016 09:49:14 by Llara Romanowski | with 0 comments

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