
Tier 3 Operations

Tier 2 Operations at CrossFit Worksop

Note: Updated 01/12./2020 18:00

When the current lockdown expires and we drop back into the tier system on the 2nd December there will be some changes to our procedures to ensure we work within the law and adhere to the guidance.

Nottinghamshire is in tier 3 and while gyms are allowed to open in all tiers, indoor exercise 'classes' should not take place in tier 3. The definition of a what constitues a class is not documented anywhere and whether 'should' will be come 'must'  and exist in law or remain as guidance will not be finalised, we suspect until the 2nd.

For now we will assume it will be law and we will be operating all our sessions are 'Open Gym'.

So what does this mean?

  • We will continue with all the good work we did prior to lockdown with regards to Covid e.g. social distancing, extensive cleaning, no mixing before or after class and limiting equipment sharing where possible.
  • Our 'Open Gym' session schedule is closely resemble our normal schedule with 1 hour blocks and the open gym sessions will go live for booking from 8:30pm the day prior.
  • The opne gym sessions will be limited to 6 athletes. This will ensure athetes will not need to share cardio equipment and the changeover between sessions; when more athletes are around the gym will not push us over the occupancy limits.
  • There will be more open gym session to compensate for the reductions in numbers.
  • You will still be required to book the open gym sessions.
  • A 'daily workout' will be provided as part of our usual programming inclduing strength, conditioning and a warm up and potentially a cool down.
  • The workout will be designed to ensure optimum social distancing and no equipment sharing. For this reason you will not be allowed to do you own workout.
  • You will be able to choose to do all the workout or any part of the workout within your allocated hour.
  • The coach will brief the details of the workout and give provide stimulus , scales and time cap guidance.
  • During the open gym session the athlete will be on control of their own timing. The coach will start the workout timer at an appropriate time but it will be the athlete responsibility to plan their own session.
  • Coach will be moving amongst the group during the session to help with movement and advice on loadings and reps for the workout.
  • Time will be called on the session 5-8 minutes before the end of the hour to allow for cleaning of equipment.
  • Athletes will be asked to leave the gym before the athletes from the next open gym session are invited in.
Posted: 29/11/2020 17:30:33 by Glynn Davies | with 0 comments