The Open wod will be run during class time on Friday, classes will start on time as per usual and members will be paired up with another athlete. If you want to chose your partner ahead of time and remain together for the 5 weeks this is fine.
There will be a set warm up and pairs will take it in turns to judge each other as each half of the class goes. Myself and the other coaches who have completed their judges course will oversee the class and correct any overlooked ‘bro reps’
If you have not entered the Open the Friday wods will be as per normal for you, you can chose your normal scales and enjoy the wod and atmosphere.
If we have uneven numbers in the class then the athletes who are not signed up for the open will take part without a partner to count their reps. If you haven’t signed up then get on it!
If you have entered the Open and are unable to make the Friday session then it is your responsibility to politely ask a coach to make time to judge you before the cut off on Monday night. Please do not expect coaches to come in at unusual times on the weekend, please be respectful of the fact that if a coach does stay back late, come in early or generally make themselves flexible to judge you they are helping you out. Don’t take it for granted that because someone else is being judged you can just turn up at the same time and it will be fine.
Can’t wait to get started, bring on the first wod, the nerves and the fist bumps!